Why Our Spend Tracking App Might Be the Perfect Fit for You

In the crazy world we live in today, managing personal finances can often be anxiety producing. While no single app can be a one-size-fits-all solution, our spend tracking app is designed with unique features that may resonate with you. To help you understand Frank Spend a bit more and determine if it is a good tool for your financial toolbox, here are some of our core beliefs that drive the functionality in our app:

  1. Getting out of debt doesn’t matter if you don’t change your views on spending

    Cycling in and out of debt has cost us more than just money—it’s stolen valuable time and the opportunity for compound interest on investments to work its magic. While there's plenty of advice out there on how to get out of debt, it's much like losing weight: without a permanent lifestyle change, you risk slipping back into old habits. 

    Just as successful weight management requires a sustained effort rather than a quick fix, achieving and maintaining financial health means overhauling your daily spending habits for the long haul. This isn’t a temporary diet; it’s a complete lifestyle transformation.

    How Frank helps with this: Frank gives you a simple way to track your spending every month that you can actually stick with for the long run.

  2. Budget categories don’t work for everyone

    Have you ever gotten really excited about a new budgeting app? This is going to be the one! The one that makes me get my shit together! You get all of your accounts connected, you spend a few hours categorizing your transactions, you log in to see how much you’ve spent in each category and then … nothing. You just stop logging in one day. Probably not many days after you started. 

    We found that tracking specific categories like groceries, dog food, and coffee weren’t motivating enough to change our spending long term. Not to mention the total pain of mapping and remapping all of our transactions to the right categories. What finally worked was ditching categories and simply tracking total spending against our monthly budget.

    How Frank helps with this: No spending categories. If you find that you are likely going to be over budget for the month, work to bring that down however you see fit. Maybe throw in a couple no spend days or try to reduce across several areas. 

  3. Most things are overcomplicated these days 

    This goes hand in hand with the point above. If overcomplicating things hasn’t been working for you, why not try simplifying things? Addition by subtraction.

    How Frank helps with this: Track all of your variable spend (free spend, fun money, anything that’s not automated) against how much you would like to spend. Get a simple notification letting you know if you are on track. Get that notification as little or as often as you want. Track your spending for this month only. That’s it.

  4. We spend too much time on our devices, not enough time living

    We believe in minimizing screen time, which has unfortunately become a daily reality for most people. To do our small part to combat the attention grabbing propensity of the phone, we designed a streamlined spend tracking app with straightforward notifications - meaning less time on your device.

    How Frank helps with this: See only what you need to stay on track and nothing else.

  5. There is no one size fits all finance tool that works for everyone or for all your financial needs

    We will never claim that Frank Spend is the only tool you need in your financial toolbox. It is one tool that will be a great fit for some people. And some people won’t find any value in it. We have found this app to be the only thing that helped us to stay within the amount we wanted to spend every month so that we were able to make real progress on our other financial goals.

    How Frank helps with this: See above 😊


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